Friday, July 11, 2008


Last night Tyler and I went to the timpanogous temle with our friends Jayne and Robert Muir. It has been such a long time since we have gone and done a session. I really have no excuse other than kids, and everyday life. I am definitely one that takes for granted all the beautiful temlples that I live around. It is such a calm and peaceful feeling sitting in there and forgeting about the outside world. I was able to sit behind tyler on the very back row. Throughout the session I kept looking over at him and I couldn't help but sit there and think about how awsome it is to know that we are sealed together forever. I have been talking to my sister, Danni a lot lately about her two little boys who died. We always talk about how she is so greatful for the knowledge of knowing that she will be with them again someday. We have also been watching some old home videos of Tyler and his family with their dad before he passed away. I will never forget the feeling in our sealing room of knowing his dad was there with us the day we got married. I also didn't realize how much I did take temples for granted until I went to visit my parents on their mission and not seeing a temple every thirty minutes or so when we were driving around. Mine and Tyler's new goal (I guess I shouldn't say new goal cause we have made this goal before) to make an extra effort to go once a month........Thanks dad for all your beautiful drawings of the temples.

1 comment:

Labrum Family said...

Thanks for inviting me to go to the temple with you!!! That was a very touching tribute to your husband. can I marry him too?