Friday, July 11, 2008

My Hubby

It has been a while since Tyler's birthday (april 6) but I wasn't blogging back then, and I also missed father's day, so I thought I would take a minute and just write a quick note about how the kids and I feel about Tyler. He is definitely one of a kind. We love that! Of course, the kids love it when dad is home with them rather than mom, since dinner time usually isn't till 10 p.m., and who doesn't love brownies and cake for breakfast? I can't complain about that since it usually happens when I am out having a girls night out, which Tyler strongly encourages me to do. Not to mention that I always win the worst gift given to your wife, when talking to other women. I don't think anyone can top the story of Tyler taking me to the grocery to pick out my own flowers (he thought that that way I could get the ones that I wanted), and also the electric can opener. But it is those instances that make me love him soo much. Anyone who knows Tyler, knows how much he absolutely loves kitchen appliances and he wanted to spread the love to me. He really was working sooo hard and was very buisy when he didn't have time to get me flowers on our anniversary. He is always working so hard to make sure that the kids and I have what we need. My last birthday was on mother's day. Tyler wanted it to be exatra special since it was my 30th birthday and mother's day. I came down stairs that morning and the kitchen was decorated with ballooons and streamers and two bouquets of flowers. The kids yelled "surprise!"to me when I walked in. I know tyler was up to something since he didn't come to bed till after midnight the night before, and I kept hearing him telling the kids to whisper. He is always going the extra mile for me and the kids. I couldn't ask for a better father for my children or a better husband for me. Thoughout all of my medical problems and difficult pregnancies, Tyler has always been right by my side. I never knew that I could love someone so much and the love just keeps getting stronger and stronger as the years go by. It is hard to believe that we have been married for 11 1/2 years. I can't remember my life without him, nor do I want to. I have to say that I know what people mean when they say, "If your marriage can survive building a house, it can survive anything." We have had a lot of struggles these past three years starting with me getting meningitis during my pregnancy with Lucy, the after damage of the pregnancy that I still deal with, building a house, living with his mom for two years, building a house, having a hysterectomy, and of course building a house. I am happy to say that our marriage made it. A big part of that is because of Tyler and the kind of person he is. When Tyler and I first started dating, I actually told him to leave me alone and kept trying to get away from him but everything I would say to him always went in one ear and out the other. He would call and ask if he could bring me lunch and I would say no. Ten minutes later he was at my door with lunch. He would call and ask if he could come over and I would so no. Ten minutes later he was pulling up infront of my house. Thank you Tyler for not listening to me and being so persistant. Little did you know, I only would say no cause I knew how much I really did have feelings for you and it scared me. Thank you for not giving up. I l ove you!

1 comment:

Nelson said...

It's fun to hear about your memories together. I am so happy for you.