Friday, July 4, 2008

Ellie and Grandpa George

As I have mentioned before on this blog, Grandma and Grandpa Olson are on a mission in West Virginia right now. We spent our family vacation out there this summer. We had a great time. Grandpa George hasn't been feeling to well with some heart problems. Ever since we got home, Ellie has been begging me to put this picture up of her and Grandpa George. Grandpa George is an artist and Ellie's dream is to become an artist like him. Here they are together.....


Labrum Family said...

Good job Brittoni. I think it looks great. I'm sure you won't take that as a compliment since mine looks retarted. Yours is much better than mine. when are we going to lunch again?

Katie said...

How funny that I found your blog! I'm glad you have started so we can keep in touch even though we only live a few miles apart. Our blog is private, so email me at so we can keep in touch!
