Thursday, January 1, 2009

Do I live in a house or a home?

I guess you could say that I am a clean person and I prefer cleanliness, but I wouldn't say I am a perfectionist or a "clean freak". I will admit that it is hard for me to relax when the house is a mess and things are out of place and I absolutely hate waking up to a dirty kitchen. But you can always walk into my house and see a mess in one room or another. I have always wanted my house to be a home that people would feel welcome to come in and relax and feel "at home." I don't want people to feel like they can't touch anything for fear of messing it up.

I went to our relief society Christmas breakfast and one talk in particular has had me thinking quite a bit. This lady was talking about family traditions and different things that have created memories for her. She talked specificaly about her dining room table and how she loves every dent and scratch on it. Each dent and scratch represented some sort of memory about a different child. Durying this holiday season, as you all know, Lucy has had a broken leg. Let's just say her cast has done a little more than make scratches on some of my furniture. I will fully admit that I was not too happy about this, especially on my dining table that was bought brand new when we moved into this house. Everytime I walk down the stairs and I feel new carpet crunching under my feet , I am reminded of the 5 gallons of paint that philip spilt down the stairs going to the basement. That is a painful story. On the wall to the left side of the stairs as you go up stairs you can see the faint stamp marks from where Lucy had fun stamping where ever she wanted. Yes I did scrub the wall and Mr. Clean's magic eraser didn't fuly take it off. But now everytime I walk upstairs I glance at the marks and kind of laugh to myself.

When we moved into this house I was very strict with the kids on what they could and couldn't do. Rules galore! I kept thinking this is a brand new house and I don't want marks on it!! My view is quite different now. I want a home, not a house. I was creating a house feel not a warm homey feeling. Ok, so yes I do still have rules. I just think about my restrictions differently. It is the spilt paint, Lucy's stamp marks, Lucy's casts markings on furniture, and even Tyler cutting Ellie's door to her room upside down that makes this a home not a house. I am so greatful that I live in a home and not a house.

My kids are young and I know I still have many years of scrapes, and dents, and scratches that will be made in different places. We built this home as a forever not ever moving home. I will have to remind myself many times not to sweat the little things, and that they are only little once! Tyler and I worked really hard on this house so it is only fitting for us to build it, and the kids to mark it! There will be times in years to come that I will have to continuously look back and reread this post to remind me to not get so uptight. I look around me as I am sitting here and I am glad that we are here in this home and will be in this home for many years to come so bring on the scratches and dents and markings!


Autumn said...

Nicely said....I totally agree!!! I always feel comfortable coming to your home!!

Kori said...

I agree with you it is much better to have a home. I dated a guy whose mother had a house. It had white carpet, plastic covering all the couches and mattresses, and was immaculate. I dreaded going there for fear I would do something to mess up the perfection. My boyfriend hated it too and said he had never felt as comfortable in his own house as he did in my parent's home. So keep up the good work of having a home.

The Wright Fam said...

Brittoni! It was fun to run into you today at Bills office. I am excited that you guys have a blog so we can keep up with you and your cute family!! Have a wonderful rest of your week!

Nelson said...

I agree with you.
Home Sweet Home.
I do like a clean & organized home, but I also want the kids to be able to play and create. We make plenty of messes, then we are sure to clean them up. I have also recently realized that anything that gets broken, can get fixed (if you really want to fix or replace it).
Last week Luke colored on my new cream chair. Oxi clean helped, but I can still see it...and most importantly I'm ok with it.