Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Passing Notes

Passing notes happens on a weekly basis at our house. A lot of times Tyler and I will wake up to whispering and laughing and then footsteps running down stairs. I will get out of bed and there will be notes that they have slipped under our door. This first one is from Ellie.

Dear Mom, I cleaned my room when I got up because I thought you would be happy. And that you wouldn't have to tell me over and over again. And one important thing about you is that you are a SPECIAL girl. And you are the best mom EVER! Love Ellie

P.S. Please write back.

This next note is from Maggee.

To Dad From Maggee. We want to have fun today. from Maggee. Phililp wrote for me (Maggee)

This last note is from Philip
Dear mom and dad
Will you please slide it under Maggee's door and when we mean "it" we mean the paper to write back on. Thank you
Love Phil and Ellie

There is one note missing that is an important one and Iam not sure what happened to it. I thought I had kept all of them, but like I said this happens very frquently so I have lots of notes laying around from the kids. Anyway, the note that I can't find was talking about how the kids wanted to do something fun that day (a saturday). We would write back to the kids and run down stairs slip it under Maggee's door and we could hear them laughing and getting excited that we had written them back. Tyler and I would run back upstairs and shut our door and wait for them to write us back. The last note that was passed asked if we should keep writing notes back and forth to discuss what fun activity we would do that day as a family or if we should just have a family meeting. We wrote back and said a family meeting would be fine.
Notes are left all over the house to different members of the family. The kids will write notes to each other or Tyler and I will wake up to notes on our bed from the kids just saying that they love us. I always try and put a note in their sack lunches. One morning, as I was writing their notes telling them to have a good day and that I loved them, I started wondering if they even noticed them because they never mention them. Just as I was thinking this thought, Maggee came into the kitchen to check on her sack lunch and said, "oh mom, don't forget my note!" I just smiled to myself.
My kids are growing up which makes me very sad, but I am glad that they are still young enough to think it is "cool" to write notes to their mom and dad!


Jayne said...

that is so cute and so sweet of your kids. You are a good mother to them and thats awesome that they look forward to notes in their lunches. You have great kids!!

Webster Family said...

I was just telling my mom how I am so excited for Brooklynn to go to
1st grade and have lunch at school so I can write her little notes and leave her secret valentines. I think it is so sweet.

Katie said...

How cute! Kids are amazing and keep us going strong! Thanks for your concern with what is going on. I appreciate your friendship and support!

Love ya!

Katy said...

I love reading your blog! Your kids are so cute and creative.

Anonymous said...

hi lovely. these notes are to die for! can't wait to get some of our own someday! luvs, katrina

Kori said...

I love it!!!!! My mom always left me notes in my lunch. The notes made me the most popular girl in class because everyone would crowd around me at lunch to see what my mother wrote me. It was a great memory I will always cherish.

The Wright Fam said...

Brittoni that was seriously one of the sweetest stories I have ever heard. You guys are such an adorable family. You have such good kids!!! It'll be fun when we make it back to UT (and out of tornado country) so we can see you all more often! Happy heart day!

Krista said...

Really sweet! Sometimes they can just make your heart melt....and sometimes they just spill and make messes. Right?

Nelson said...

This is the sweetest thing ever!
I hope we'll do that someday.

Mimi said...

That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard! How priceless to have these love notes from the kids. So sweet!