Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My baby is 4!!!!

This post is about a week late, partly because I think I am in denial. Lucy turned 4 on January 25. My life with babies and toddlers is gone. Hard to believe and hard to accept. Lucy has always been very very different then the rest of my children. Tyler used to always joke that we needed to stop because Philip and Ellie were always so mellow, then Maggee was a little bit more.....I guess I should say, Energetic!! Then Lucy is, at times, undescribeable. We often wondered what the next one would be like. There is no denying that we all give in to Lucy and she steals your heart once she decides that she likes you. There is no other way to describe Lucy other than she is just Lucy!!

The only thing Lucy really wanted for her birthday was a sleeping beauty dress. This exact specific one. There was no fooling her into a different one. Believe me, I tried. I took her shopping with me the day I bought her this dress. We went into the disney store and she walked right up to this dress. Well I will say that this dress was not cheap. I told her we should go to other stores and look. We left and she was not happy. After shopping around for a while, I discovered that the price wasn't as bad as I thought. So karol drove me back to the mall. She stayed in the car with Lucy while I ran back into the disney store. Mind you this whole time Lucy has had a dirty look on her face because she didn't want to leave this store in the first place. I told her I just had to run in really fast and I would be back. I didn't think she would know where I was going since we were at the mall. I came back to the car and Lucy had the biggest smile on her face. I asked her why she was so happy all of a sudden and she said because she knew I had gone in and bought her her dress. I told her I didn't, and that I did recheck the store but they had sold all of them. She just laughed and told me she knew I had her dress in my bag.

Lucy with some of her cousins who helped her celebrate. Lauren, Ellie, kyla, Maggee, lucy, Philip, and Rachel.

Lucy with all of her presents. She was not soo happy right when she woke up that morning. I thought she would be because she had been counting the days down to this day. She woke up with a scowl on her face. Some family members called first thing in the morning to wish her a happy birthday but she refused to talk to them. In fact, she cried all morning long while we were trying to get her ready for church. After she got out of the shower and she was all dressed, Tyler made her call everyone back and apologize to them for not being nice. Once she did that and she got to church her birthday mood was in tact.

Grandma Karol made Lucy this cute blanket for her birthday. So the party would not have been complete with out a slumber party. Aunt Olivia, Maggee, and Jayne enjoyed this the most out of the party. Jayne is holding a microphone that Lucy got for her birthday. Lucy sings at the top of her lungs. If you call our house around 9am every morning you can hear her singing all the mama mia songs! She knows them all.

We couldn't end the party without Grandpa George's birthday spankings. Lucy laughed through the whole thing.

Lucy, at the moment, is obssesed with Sleeping Beauty. She marries Prince Phillip every day. Her favorite characters in the past have been, the black spiderman, darth vador, and Iron Man. I tried to convince her to be a princess or something really girly for Halloween but she just had to be spiderman. So I was pleasantly surprised when she finally wanted something girly for her birthday.


The Wright Fam said...

Your family is seriously so cute! I love that your 'baby' loved her Sleeping Beauty dress, and not just any dress...that one!!! So cute!! It was so great to see you too, hopefully we'll be able to catch up more next time we are in town. Have a great week!

Kori said...

Hey did my ABBA listening in college stick? I love that Lucy knows all the Mamma Mia songs. It's also good to see a picture of Olivia. Did you do Lucy's cake? If you do it looks great. What talent. I pray someday I'll get a little girl just like Lucy.