Saturday, November 22, 2008

November, BIG birthday month!

This last week has been such a whirlwind with so much happening. All fun and exciting stuff I must say. It all actually started at the beginning of last week on friday when my girlfriends from high school got together for a big birthday dinner. 8 of us were able to show up and we ate the night away at Tucanos. We then had play group at my house with all of our little ones. There were a total of 10 kids running around and we even had a few that weren't able to show up. It is fun to get together with people that you have been friends with for so long and then get to see our kids together.

The next day it was my friend, Rachel Labrums bday. We, of course, went shopping and to lunch but made the whole day of it. It was fun to have a stress free day with nowhere to be. It is always fun shopping when you have friends and family coupon for 30% off. The factory outlets were CRAZY! I am happy to say that I did get her her favorite barbeque sauce, that should hold her over for a little while. I know she loved the cd I made of all of my favorite songs so she can always remember me where ever she may be. We even had fun grocery shopping towards the end of the day. Thank you Rachel, for such a fun saturday afternoon.

My next exciting adventure was the Carrie Underwood concert. It was a blast. My friend, Jayne, and my sister danni and I got tickets to go. We decided to make a whole day of it. We went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch. Tried to go bowling, but my sweet sister picked a bowling alley that was out of business. We were trying to be creative and do something that we don't usually do. When that plan failed................we went shopping!! We later met my other sister, Darci at Chili's for appetizer and desert. Next, we were off to the dollar show to see The Dark Knight. Then came..............................................................

Her concert was sooo much fun. I got to see a whole new wild side of Jayne. I think I like going to events like this more to watch people. Jayne was probably the most fun to watch, especially after the concert and her yelling back at people in their cars.

The next night was a very big night. Jayne, Danni, and I had all been really wanting to go the midnight showing of twilight but we were procastinators and the tickets all sold out. So we thought we would just make plans and go on friday in the mornig and do lunch afterwords. While we were at chilis with our appetizers and desert, we got a phonecall with some news.................
yes we scored midnight tickets. I kept thinking I was crazy for doing this with my head issues and it had already been such a big week. Needless to say, I gave into the peer pressure around me and I went. I am glad I did, cause it was definitely a memory making night. Before the show I went on the polar express with my family (post later about that). Right when we got home, Jayne and Danni were already in the driveway waiting for me so I jumped from one car to the other and we were off. When we got there, there were already mega loads of people everywhere!!! They let us sit down in the theater two hours prior to the show. The people were CRAZY!! Even grandmas with t-shirts saying "Edwards Team." I forgot my camera so I didn't get any fun pictures. Confession.........I did fall asleep off and on during the first half of the movie but made it through the end with flying colors. So I do need to see it again.
The next night the girls (Ellie, and Maggee) were in a Sleeping Beauty play. They did a great job and I will also do another post with pictures of that. I need to learn to not try and squeeze so many different outings into one post. Thanks to everyone who made these last few weeks such great ones!! Friends and family are what keep me going!


Autumn said...
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Autumn said...

Wow that is a lot of fun things to do!!! I'm so jealous!!

Annie said...

Wow!!! Your life sounds like a nonstop vacation. Fun. I can't wait to see the Sleeping Beauty pictures?

Katie said...

Lucky have done some way fun things! I'm so jealous you went to Carrie Underwood. She is so amazing! How was Twlight? I've heard mixed reviews--next time you go so you can see the whole thing, let me know and I'l tag along!

steph said...

Okay I am jealous! First I wish I would have been able to go to dinner with the girls. I had family in town staying with us. I can't wait for next time. Then Carrie Underwood..she is one of my favorites! I love her. And I can't wait to see Twilight either. You are a lucky girl!

Linsey said...

Of course you are invited, I just haven't changed my settings. I read your blog all time. I have to live vicariously through your girls night outs!

Labrum Family said...

Wow you have been busy! Well I hope you life slows down a bit for the benifit of your health. See ya soon.