So yesterday Tyler and I decided it was time to tell Philip the truth about Santa. We debated on whether or not to tell him this year since he is going to be 11 in February and I guess in a way I just don't want him to grow up. The experience actually turned out to be great and we were able to have a very good talk with Philip on a whole new level.
I know people feel very differently about Santa Clause and how to really relate who he is to their kids. As for me and Tyler, We love to see the excitement in their eyes during the holiday seasons and we love what kind of magic being a kid brings to Christmas. We love the excitement it fills our home with on Christmas Eve and during other activities. We always allow the kids to write a letter to Santa and leave it in the mailbox. The kids watch that mailbox like a hawk but surprisingly the elves are always able to sneak those letters away to Santa without them knowing. Santa always writes back answering each and everyone of their questions and leaves a small little gift for the whole family that has some sort of meaning to it. I guess I feel that how can something that brings so much happiness can be bad for a person. Even talks given in the church from general authorities talk about the magic of Santa. We don't make our Christmases all about Santa either. But I do feel that it is not bad for Children to believe in a person who is giving to people.
So after Tyler and I talked about how we really feel about Santa Clause and our children, we basicly told Philip that Santa is real. The magic of Santa is very real! He is real in many different ways. When we are kids we believe in a man who slides down our chimney to leave children toys. Which we did tell him that that santa is mom and dad. We are giving to our children but doing it secretly to make them happy. When we grow up, there are also santa's all around us. Anyone who does service for someone in need, or buys gifts for sub for santa are all santas. We told him about years when we lived in the Hamlet and we were struggling and someone left us Christmas on our door step. Tyler and I will never forget the feeling when the door bell rang at 6 am in the morning and we opened our door to see our front step filled with gifts, food and money. Whoever left that was a secret Santa to us. Another example of a secret Santa was when someone did the twelve days of Christmas to us when we were also living in the Hamlet. Everynight the kids knew something would be left for us and they looked forward to the sound of the door bell every night. They were just as excited to see what would be left for them that night, as they were on Christmas Eve for Santa to come.
So, Yes I do believe the magic of Santa is very real. Jesus has taught us to love each other and do service and I believe that is what Christmas is all about. Christmas is about remembering the the birth of our Saviour. When I think of Jesus, I think of giving to the poor and doing service and loving one another. As we talked to Philip you could see the excitement in his eyes as he began to realize the different things he can start to do for other people, including being santa to his little sisters. No disappointment came from him. We did ask him if he was disappointed, and he said no. He loved that we made Santa so much fun for him. He also said he would never tell any other kid that Santa is not real.
I am sad that Phililp is growing up, but then after talking to him, I don't think I realized how much he has already grown up. He is a very good kid. Tyler and I will continue the other version of Santa with our girls until it is time to tell them. Heck, I miss being a kid and waking up in the middle of the night and looking out the window and swearing that I could see his sleigh in the sky! I miss feeling the butterflies in my stomach on Christmas Eve. I miss trying to sneak out of my bedroom at 2 am to look at the tree and see what Santa left. Sometimes he had already been there and sometimes he hadn't. Then all of a sudden the presents were there. When did that happen? To me, believeing in Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, The Great Pumpkin, Fairies, and all other mystical being is the fun of being a child. Why make our kids grow up too fast! At least I know I want them to stay young and have a magical immagination for as long as they can.