Sunday, August 24, 2008


There was no other name to name this post but "Maggee". Here's a short story to say why.

I have a very good friend whose name is Jayne Muir. My kids absolutely love her!! One weekend Jayne, and her husband, Robert had Maggee and Ellie spend the night at their house. That night they went to Dairy Keen for dinner. While they were waiting for their food they went and loaded up on fry sauce. Maggee, Ellie, and Jayne all brought the little cups of fry sauce back to the table. Maggee put them all in the middle of the table and said, "There, now we can all share the fry sauce." Well aparently Robert likes to have his own fry sauce, not to mention that he is a little shy as it is when it comes to kids. He reached to the middle of the table and put his share of fry sauce infront of him. This seemed to bother Maggee. She turned to Robert and said, "so, you don't like to share" Anyone who knows Maggee knows that this is just like her to say something like this. On the other hand, kids are always our best teachers. Our family would not be the same without our little Maggee!

1 comment:

Nelson said...

She seems sweet. So proud of her for being such a good sharer.
I responded to your comment on my blog. Please do let me know if you have any contact info for Liz Pugh. I would love to return these earrings to her.