Monday, November 3, 2008

Rough Day!

Today has been a very long day. Mondays are always a big cleaning day for me. After the weekend with everyone being home from work and school, there is alot of catching up to do on housework and laundry. My head hasn't been doing too well lately either. I have been spending a lot of days in my bedroom trying to sleep through headaches along with missing the last two sundays of church. I also slack on the house cleaning when I have these episodes with my head. I started the morning off by getting the kids ready for school, and Lucy whinning, and then started into my cleaning routine. I didn't reaize how much I was behind on laundry. Hard to catch up when you are doing laundry for six people. I mopped, dusted, vaccuumed, and every other usual tasks around the house. All the while, Lucy is whinning. I ran to provo to run errands and made it back intime for "early out" day at school. Took girls to piano, philip went to piano, did homework with all three kids, made dinner, and got things ready for family home evening. Mean while, Lucy is running all around the house whinning about EVERYTHING! I have already done the dishes twice since the kids got home from school. Then Tyler thought he would be a fun dad and make milkshakes for the kids for the family home evening treat (which means more dishes to do). And did I mention, Lucy is STILL whining about EVERYTHING! I got a bright idea that maybe I could go up to my bathroom, light my candle chandelier, put my favorite music on, pour in some bubbles, and RELAX!!! I will tell anyone that my bathroom is my favorite room in my house. I am a big time bath person. So I thought I was being pretty sneaky by doing this while the milk shakes were being made and the kids's attention ( I guess I really mean Lucy's attention) is on Tyler, and ice cream. But guess what????????????????????

NO, my bright idea did not work. But hey, life would be boring without kids RIGHT?? And of course, it had to be Lucy to brighten up my relaxing momment. I did get a few minutes of relaxing. I guess I will leave Lucy to her bubble bath and candles and head down stairs to clean up the milkshake mess so I don't have to wake up to dirty dishes.

I tried to catch my relaxing feel in the bathroom, but our camera is horrible, so here is one with the lights on.

A lesson learned that I should already know is, lock my bathroom door!!


Autumn said...

That sounds like Lucky to a T!!! She is hilarious!!! Did you get to take your bath? I hope you get feeling better!!!

Autumn said...

I mean that sounds like Lucy....

Katie said...

Sorry you haven't been feeling well.

I love the kids halloween costumes! Looks like they got lots of yummy treats!

Annie said...

Good idea, trying to sneak away. I'm not so sure locking would have helped. I always have the do I leave the door unlucked and risk intruders or lock the door and listen to pounding and crying at the lock debates with myself.

steph said...

Your kids were so cute on Halloween! I love that Lucy was Spiderman. I wish you could have gotten to relax....Lucy is too cute! Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hopefully some good days are ahead!

tash said...

OH my I feel for you! I can't think when I have a child constantly whinning! It makes me so cranky! So good job on getting through your monday!