Thursday, November 6, 2008

Help Baby Mia !!

For several months now I have been checking on this blog daily (mimi and john on my sidebare under blogging buddies). This story absolutely breaks my heart. I knew Mimi back in high school and I am also very good friends with her older sister, Susan. Little Mia was born with needing a new heart. She has been on the donor list for almost four months now. She is quite the little fighter. They have been thinking about listing her on other donor lists but it would require $450,000 dollars upfront. This family has been through so many challenges. Anyone who is reading this please click on her blog or on the blinki I have added and read her story. Any money that is donated is appreciated but most of all prayers!! I have a very strong testimony of prayer and the power it has. Prayer has worked many miracles in my life, especially with my oldest son, Philip. He was born with seviere seizures and we weren't sure what his future held. I know it was the prayers and fasting of our loved ones and ward family members that pulled us through that time. I pray daily for Mimi and her family that little Mia will receive a new heart and begin her healing process. I am amazed at what a strong woman Mimi is with the trials she is facing with not only Mia but her other two children at home and making sure that her family is taken care of. Please, please read her blog and pray for Mia and her new heart!!

1 comment:

tash said...

how sad for her. This would be so hard to deal with. Thanks for sharing.

And about Tanner's costume....She searched forever someone said they saw it and gave it to someone else and so on. So she finally gave up they got in the car to leave and someone had put it in the car thank goodness!