Monday, November 17, 2008

Boys Weekend Out

So I thought that I would take a weekend (last weekend) and maybe not be so selfish and let Philip, and Tyler have a weekend to themselves and do what they want. Yes, I know you are all thinking what a great mom and wife I am to give up my "free" time. ok, ok, so this weekend wasn't my idea, but I am very glad that tyler and philip got to enjoy such a fun weekend.

They started the night off by going to a Jazz game. This was actually a last minute thing. Philip's friend Mitch called and wanted him to go. We were struggling with whether to let him go or not because Philip was actually supposed to be grounded. A few minutes later the phone range again, and low and behold an extra ticket became available for Tyler. So no more discussion was needed, 15 min. later they were off to the game.

This is Mitch and Philip. These two are such goofballs, but they have fun together!
They got home from the game arouond midnight and then they were off fishing and hunting at 4:30 am for the day with a great friend of ours, Robert. This trip has been discussed for quite some time but has never happend until now. I have to admit that I was surprised that Tyler actually made time to go. He NEVER does fun activities like this. I will admit that I take more time for myself then tyler does for him so I am sooo glad that he went. He deserved this more than anyone I know.
This is Philip and his great catch.

Man Tyler sure is a handsome rugged man.

The man who made it all happen. Robert. Thanks a ton!!!! Philip still talks nonstop about this weekend.

They were quite tired when they got home, but not too tired to finish their saturday out with some football watching. That was when I escaped and went and watched the Oklahoma play with my sister-in-law, Olivia. All in all, it was a fun weekend. I got time with my girls, which Karol and I took them to see Madagascar 2, and Tyler got to spend time with his friend and his favorite son.


tash said...

Hi girl! I can't believe she broke her leg! How sad! I made my blog header and background...Thats why its off center about a half inch!

Autumn said...

Sounds like they had a good weekend!!! That's fun for them to do that!!!

The Walkers said...

What a great boys weekend! I love that they had two great days together...that is something Phillip will remember for sure. And I'm sure you had some fun things to do with all your beautiful girls!