Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dancing With The Stars

So I was getting Lucy ready this morning to head out the door. Got her dressed, brushed her teeth, put her shoes on, and she ran to my full length mirror to check herself out. After a minute or two of smiling really big at herself and modeling she turned to me and said..."Mom, I look like I should be on Danicng With the Stars!" Not quite sure why she thought that. Really people, I don't dress my 4 year old in skimpy (but in Lucy's opinion very beautiful) outfits.

When we watch Daning with the Stars in our house our conversations are usually about the outfits not the dancers. I rate the dances but my girls always sit and talk about the outfits. Right when they come on the floor all three girls usually give their opinion on whether they let the girls costumes or not. Yes my dream of having dancing girls is being smashed a little. Ellie would rather do anything to do with art, and Maggee loves all the sports and is begging for gymmnastic lessons. I do have a little hope with Lucy. She dances all morning long and loves to have people watch her. She does sing a ton too. So I think the singing may win out....let's hope she has a good voice. Of course I think it is beautiful right now, but what little 4 year old doesn't sound cute when they sing?

So back to Lucy and her outfit. Really all she had on was some camo (yes, camo) capris and light blue shirt and hoodie. She had on her favorite red butterfly shoes. I will post a pic tonight. I used to be very picky about what my kids look like, but I am afraid I've lost the passion. I can do that on my last child.......Right??


Annie said...

Lucy always looks fabulous. She just shines whenever I see her. Give her a big kiss from me.

Kori said...

Kids say the darndest things. My niece made a comment similar to that a few days ago. I just took it as she thinks she looks fabulous. Truthfully, what 4 year old doesn't look fabulous in anything they wear.

I'm glad you got your little dancer. I'm praying for one of my own too.

Autumn said...

I thought lucy looked super cure yesterday. She is very cute no matter what she is wearing because she is a star!!!

Mimi said...

Oh of course you can!! My daughter dresses her self everyday...I stopped making excuses or informing strangers that she dressed herself. It's pretty much obvious, or so I hope!

So... didn't one of the couples have on some camo at one point? Maybe I am thinking of a different season- or maybe an entirely different show (you know the one). Anyway, maybe she was remembering that outfit if indeed there was camo. I love when kids feel all fancy nancy!

Nelson said...

I love Lucy!
She puts a smile on my face every time I see her, or hear a story about her from you.
You kids always have the cutest clothes and shoes. Mine on the other hand is another story. Bryn also dressed herself today, and it didn't turn out near as good as Lucy.