Sunday, January 18, 2009

Long lost post about Lucy's cast!

I finally got Tyler to download a ton of pictures from our camera because yes I am lame and do not know how to do it. Just to give me a little credit, it is because our cord to use on the camera is lost so Tyler has to do something else to download them. Anyway, I never posted any pictures of Lucy and her lovely pink cast!

The girls are just goofing off right here. Lucy's cast went from her toes right up to the top of her thigh. This cast was a pain. Especially when it came to bathing her. She was a good sport about it though.

This picture is right as we were walking out the door to take her to the dr. to have the cast removed. She was not too happy about about the saw.

Lucy asked to keep her cast. It is still laying around the house. I went to throw it away the other day and Tyler couldn't believe that I wanted to throw it away.

After Lucy got her cast off she would not walk on it. So we went back to her scooting everywhere. The dr. said this was normal and to even expect her to limp for a while. It was a little over a week without the cast and we were at my parents house on Christmas day. My mom was having a small problem with some ants. Tyler told lucy that if she kept scooting around the ants would eat her bum. Well that did the trick. She stood up and has walked ever since.


Nelson said...

I just love Lucy!
Getting to know her through your blog is hilarious.
Very creative on Tyler's part.

Kori said...

I would hate to have my bum eaten by ants as well. I'm glad to hear things are back to normal. I'm sometimes amazed that kids make it through these stages in life when they are so accident prone.