Thursday, October 9, 2008

My memory for today

Not much has been happening around here accept for the usual every day mom stuff. I swear I am back in school again with three kids in elementary school. When 4 o'clock rolls around and I hear that bus engine outside I think, "Oh no, here comes homework time, piano lessons, homework, scouts, homework and more homework." It is sad when you have a fifth grader and I have to polish up on my math skills. Some may say "fifth grade, not so bad," but I swear it's harder now then when I was in school. oh and did I mention? I am philip's scout leader. Me, who grew up in a family with six girls. Thirteen grandchildren on my side, and only three are boys. Tyler loves that this is my calling. He says it is good for me and Philip to bond. He probably is right, but I am so clueless to the scout thing.

So my days at home with Lucy are usualy pretty quiet. That is unless Lucy is in one of her singing moods. Then the whole house is filled with "ahhhhhhhhhhahhhhhahhhhh." Lucy has had a cold lately and we had a funny conversation. One that I just needed to record for my own sake so that one day I can tell her the funny things she would say when she was little.

mom: "Lucy, are you feeling sick?"
Lucy: "No, mom, I am not sick. Just my mouth is sick and my nose is sick."
mom: "Did you sleep good last night?"
Lucy: "No mom, I had to pick my bugars all night long!"

Lucy has been very upset with her "bugars" lately. I am very pleased to say though, that even though I do catch her picking her nose, she always brings it to me to show me and then goes and gets a tissue. She is very clean about the whole situation. I mean as clean as a three year old can be.


Katie said...

Lucky you to work with scouts, that is a calling I fear!!!

Autumn said...

I had no idea you were a scout leader!!! I would have no clue what to do either. And Lucy is hilarious!!! She is so stinkin' cute!!! We still need to get together and go shopping.

steph said...

Lucy is too cute! No matter how busy or how long I've been in YW, I think scouts would be 10 times harder.