Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Camera Bandit

So our camera was lost for a few days and we could not figure out where it had gone to. We always keep it in the kitchen drawer next to the stove or tyler has it on his computer desk. We asked all of the kids if they had seen it and every one of them said they had no idea where it was. I know that Lucy takes things and hides them and when we are looking for them she always says "I think I might know where it is.....let me see." Then she ALWAYS can muraculously find it! Because of her history I continued to ask her where it was and she PROMISED me she had no idea.....then one day it was all of a sudden back in the drawer where it is supposed to be. I took the camera out and this is what I found on it...

These were only a few (the camera was completly full) of the pics that I found. I called Lucy to the kitchen and here is our conversation.....
me: Lucy, are you sure you had no idea where the camera was?
Lucy: Positive
Me: Then how did pics of you get on here?
Lucy was quiet for a moment and then said....
Lucy: Mom, Santa isn't watching us anymore right? Cause Christmas is over.
Me: Lucy, Santa is always watching. All year long he watches.
Lucy quietly says "dang it" and then....
Lucy: Look at me in these pictures mom, I am almost grown up!
She never fessed up to playing with the camera, and this isn't the first time it has happened. I think our whole house has been photographed clear down to the smallest crumb on the floor. I showed Tyler the camera when he got home and all he could say was how proud he was of her taking such a good picture of the BYU cup. Really?